Thursday, June 28, 2012

On waiting for the Supremes

I'm not a political junkie, and I'm not well-versed in all the issues of our day, but I am... passionate, I think you could say, about my political beliefs. I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that I lean right. 

I believe in the free market and virtues of capitalism, because I value the equality of opportunity it offers. For the same reason, I reject socialism, which focuses on equality of outcomes; by its very nature, in trying to "level" the playing field, socialism punishes excellence and rewards mediocrity. 

I respect our Constitution and believe it should be interpreted and applied with the view towards limiting the powers of the state, not expanding their reach. I do not believe the Constitution is a "living, breathing" document that "evolves" with our culture. I want government's role in my life limited to protecting my individual liberties: I want to be free to practice my faith and pass those traditions and beliefs on to my children. I want to be free to educate my children in the way I deem best. I want to be free to arm and protect myself and my family and my property. And I want to be free to make my own decisions about healthcare: what doctor I will use, what treatment plan I will follow, what insurance provider I will choose. I don't want or need socialized, government-run healthcare. I don't want the government telling me I have to purchase their insurance. 

Although I'm not expert in Constitutional law, I'm pretty sure our founding fathers never intended it to be used a means of empowering our leaders to control our lives in such a freedom-destroying manner. So this morning, I am on pins and needles as I wait for the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. I haven't been filled with this much nervous excitement since the 2008 Election Day. 

Tick, tock. Today we learn if we are a nation one step closer to socialism, or if our Constitution still preserves our personal liberties.

UPDATE: So... this is what it feels like to be sucker punched? *sigh. I'm going to hibernate and abstain from all news coverage of politics until after the November elections. Or until after my nap this afternoon. Whichever comes first.

1 comment:

colpmhill said...

Now we just need to vote him out of office.